We use a lot of words and acronyms to help us communicate quicker day-to-day, but it can make it hard for people new to the company to follow. This dictionary will help you get started. If you hear something new, ask somebody what it means and add it. Make sure you only add words that are uniquely Poll Everywhere; everything else you can Google or use a real dictionary to define.

Agave – Poll Everywhere’s app for Microsoft 365 and Agave is Microsoft’s internal name in their Office app store. This is used when a customer is trying to display their poll using their tablet Powerpoint.

Apps (formerly Native) – Apps is a team within Poll Everywhere that works with applications like PowerPoint integration, Windows and Mac, Google Slides, Live Slides and part of the mobile app

Bear Lair or Game room – Themed pairing/phone booth in Suite 500. Used for pair programming, phone calls, and screen shares.

Boring room – Phone booth in Suite 500. Used for phone calls and screen shares.

Bug – Term used when there is an error on a customer-facing feature that used to work. See more details on how we handle bugs here

Cascading Style Sheets (CSS) – CSS is design language that controls the look and feel of a web page. With CSS, you can control the color of the text, layout designs, background colors, style of text etc.

Chore – Term used in Pivotal Tractor which provide no direct value to the customer and benefits only the company

Cold War room – Themed pairing room in Suite 500

Cookbook – A collection of user testing templates, called Recipes. May be referred to as User Testing Cookbook.

Cookies – Cookies are temporary internet files. A cookie is a small piece of data sent from a website and stored on your computer while you are browsing the web.

CS hour – Customer Support Hour. Once a week every Poll Everywhere employee is expected to do at least one hour of customer support. This can be over the phones or email support. This is to help all of our employees understand who our customers are, what they are trying to do, and hopefully identify some things we can change to help our customers succeed.

Das room – Themed pairing room in Suite 500

DMG File (Disk Image) – This is Mac’s OSX disk image files. Once you download the DMG (which contains our Poll Everywhere Presenter App) , you drag the app to the Mac Applications folder. This copies the app from the DMG to applications and then you run the app from Applications.

Epic – An epic is a multi-sprint project that includes people from one or more function. It can last anywhere from two weeks to a few months. Epic team members work closely together to form sprint goals and plan work.

One member of the team will provide a brief update at the daily Standup meeting as well as a more detailed update of future sprint goals at the weekly Scrutineering meeting.

Feature story – A feature story provides value to the customer such as a new function

Force monitor – Force Monitor is a term created by Poll Everywhere and only works with Mac. Our Mac PowerPoint app will try to display the correct screen automatically based on the information available but this selection sometimes needs to be overridden. A user can try to force which monitor/display the polls appear on. When you have the PollEv Presenter application open, click “Help” under the menu bar. There will be an option labeled “Force Monitor Selection” and user can play around with the setting to see which settings works best

Aspect Ratio is width vs the height 4:3 old school monitor usually a square and is commonly used with a projector 16:9 most commonly used with current monitors 16:10 size of Macbook Air (the ones CS and most Poll Evian’s use)

When you download slides via the web, the slides are default to 4:3** Since 4:3 is the old standard, we want to make sure the downloaded slide version is universal